0xFFFFFFFF fl fi apple f002 f000 sharp natural flat sixteenthnotedbl musicalnotedbl musicalnote notequarter hotsprings clubopen diamond heart spadeopen club diamondopen heartopen spade 266f 2660 male earth female 2642 2640 sun invsmileface smileface 263c 263a middot trianglerightsld triangleleftsld triangledot squarevertbisect squaresesld squarenwsld squarerightsld squareleftsld openbullet trianglenesld tranglenwsld triangleswsld trianglesesld bottomarc toparc swquadarc sequadarc nequadarc nwquadarc invsemicircledn invsemicircleup invcircle invbullet semicirclelertsld semicircleleftsld circlenwopen circlenesld circletopsld circlebottomsld circlerightsld circleleftsld circlesolid bullseye circleverthatch circledash circle lozenge fisheye diamondrhombnested diamondrhomb diamondrhombsolid triaglfopen triaglf smalltriangleleft smalltriangleleftsld triangleleft1 triangleleftsld1 smalltriangleinv smalltriangleinvsld triangleinv triagdn triagrtopen triagrt smalltriangleright smalltrianglerightsld triangleright1 trianglerightsld1 smalltriangle smalltrianglesld triangle triagup parallelogram filledparallelogram vertrectangle filledvertrect rectangle filledrect smallbox smallboxfilled boxcrossdiaghatch boxrtdiaghatch boxleftdiaghatch boxcrosshatch boxverthatch boxhorizhatch boxnested boxrounded box filledbox 25ef 25a0 rteighthblock upeighthblock dkshade shade ltshade rtblock lfeighthblock lfquarterblock lfthreeeighthblock lfblock lffiveeighthblock lfthreequarterblock lfseveneighthblock block dnseveneighthblock dnthreequarterblock dnfiveeighthblock dnblock dnthreeeighthblock dnquarterblock dneighthblock upblock 2595 2580 shortbackwarddiagonal veiwdatasquare ltdiagonalcross backwarddiagonal forwarddiagonal ltarcuprtform ltarcupleftform ltarcdnleftform ltarcdnrtform dblverthorizform vertdblhorizform verthorizdblform dbluphorizform updblhorizform uphorizdblform dbldnhorizform dndblhorizform dnhorizdblform dblvertleftform vertdblleftform vertleftdblform dblvertrtform vertdblrtform vertrtdblform dblupleftform updblleftform upleftdblform dbluprtform updblrtform uprtdblform dbldnleftform dndblleftform dnleftdblform dbldnrtform dndblrtform dnrtdblform vertdblbar horizdblbar hvdashdblvertform ltdashdblvertform hvdashdblhorizform ltdashdblhorizform hvverthorizform leftltrtverthvform rtltleftverthvform upltdnhorizhvform dnltuphorizhvform rtdnhvleftupltform leftdnhvrtupltform rtuphvleftdnltform leftuphvrtdnltform verthvhorizltform dnhvuphorizltform uphvdnhorizltform vertlthorizhvform rthvleftvertltform lefthvrtvertltform ltverthorizform hvuphorizform leftltrtuphvform rtltleftuphvform uphvhorizltform uplthorizhvform rthvleftupltform lefthvrtupltform ltuphorizform hvdnhorizform leftltrtdnhvform rtltrtdnhvform dnhvhorizltform dnlthorizhvform rthvleftdnltform lefthvrtdnltform ltdnhorizform hvvertleftform upltleftdnhvform dnltleftuphvform verthvleftltform dnhvleftupltform uphvleftdnltform vtltlefthvform ltvertleftform hvvertrtform upltrtdnhvform dnltrtuphvform verthvrtltform dnhvrtupltform uphvrtdnltform vertltrthvform ltvertrightform hvupleftform uphvleftltform upltlefthvform ltupleftform hvuprtform uphvrtltform upltrthvform ltuprtform hvdnleftform dnhvleftltform dnltlefthvform ltdnleftform hvdnrtform dnhvrtltform dnltrthvform ltdnrtform hvdashquadvertform ltdashquadvertform hvdashquadhorizform ltdashquadhorizform hvdashtripvertform ltdashtripvertform hvdashtriphorizform ltdashtriphorizform hvvertform ltvertform hvhorizform lthorizform 2575 2500 newline spaceopenbox blankb delete spaceliteral unitseparator recordseparator groupseparator fileseparator escape substitute endmedium cancel endtransblock synch negacknowledge devcon4 devcon3 devcon2 devcon1 datalinkescape shiftin shiftout carriagereturn formfeed verttab linefeed horiztab backspace bell acknowledge enquiry endtrans endtext starttext startofhead null 2424 2400 slurbelow slurabove integralbt integraltp 2323 2320 revlogicalnot 2310 2310 floorright floorleft ceilingright ceilingleft 230b 2308 perspcorrespond 2306 2306 house 2302 2302 Omegainv gscriptmath verticalbardbl approxequal downslopeellipsis upslopeellipsis midhorizellipsis vertellipsis nottrianglerightequal nottriangleleftequal nottriangleright nottriangleleft followsnotequivlnt preceedsnotsimilar greaternotequivlnt lessnotequivlnt sqoriginornotequal sqimageornotequal notsupersetsqequal notsubsetsqequal followsnotequal preceedsnotequal equalfollows equalprecedes equalgreater equalless greaterequalless lessequalgreater verymuchgreater verymuchless greaterdot lessdot equalparallel fork intersectiondbl uniondbl supersetdbl subsetdbl curland curlor revasymptequal multiopenright multiopenleft multicloseright multicloseleft bowtie divideonmultiply orunderscore similarequal diamondmath naryunion naryintersection narylogicalor narylogicaland righttriangle rightanglearc nor nand xor intercal hermitconjmatrix multimap image original triangrightequal triangleftequal triangleleft triangleright higherrank lowerrank notforceextr notforce notsatisfy notturnstileleft forceextr tacktrpl force satisfy truestate assertion perpendicular latticetop turnstileright turnstileleft squaredot squaremultiply squareminus squareplus circlevertbar circleequal circleasterisk circlering circledot circledivide circlemultiply circleminus circleplus unionsq intersectionsq supersetsqequal subsetsqequal squareoriginal squareimage unionmulti multiplymultiset multiset supersetnotequal subsetnotequal notreflexsuperset notreflexsubset reflexsuperset reflexsubset notpropersuperset notpropersubset propersuperset propersubset notfollows notpreceeds followsequivlnt precedequivlnt followsequal precedesequal follows precedes notgreaterless notlessgreater greaterorless lessorgreater notgreaterequivlnt notlessequivlnt greaterequivlnt lessequivlnt notgreaterequal notlessequal notgreater notless notequivasymptotic between greatermuch lessmuch greaternotdblequal lessnotdblequal greaterdblequal lessdblequal greaterequal lessequal strictequivalence notequivalence equivalence notequal questionequal measurequal definequal deltaequal starequal equiangular estimates corresponds ringequal ringinequal equalcolon colonequal imageorapproxequal approxequalorimage geomequal approachlimit difference geomequivalent equivasymptotic allequal tildetrpl almostorequal notalmostequal almostequal notapproxequal approxnotequal approxorequal notasymptequal asymptequal minustilde notsimilar wreathproduct sine lazysinv revsimilar similar homothetic geomproportion excess dotminus proportion ratio because therefore cclwcontintegral clwcontintegral clwintegral volintegral surfintegral contintegral integraltrpl integraldbl integral union intersection logicalor logicaland notbardbl parallelto notbar divides sphericalangle measuredangle angle rightangle infinity proportional fourthroot cuberoot radical bulletmath ringoperator asteriskmath backslashmath slashmath dotplus minusplus minus summation coproduct product eop ownersmall notowner owner elementsmall notelement element nabla increment emptyset notexistential existential partialdiff complement universal 22f5 2200 arrowboth arrowdblboth tabshiftab arrownebar capslock arrowopendown arrowopenright arrowopenup arrowopenleft arrowtabright arrowtableft arrowdashdown arrowdashright arrowdashup arrowdashleft pagedown pageup arrowsquiggleright arrowsquiggleleft arrowtripleright arrowtripleleft arrowdblsw arrowdblse arrowdblne arrowdblnw arrowdbllongbothv arrowdbllongboth arrowdbldown arrowdblright arrowdblup arrowdblleft arrowdblrightnot arrowdbllongbothnot arrowdblleftnot harpoonrightleft harpoonleftright dblarrowdown dblarrowright dblarrowup dblarrowleft arrowparrleftright dblarrowupdown arrowparrrightleft harpoondownleft harpoondownright arrowrightbothalf arrowrighttophalf harpoonupleft harpoonupright arrowleftbothalf arrowlefttophalf arrowclockw arrowanticlockw tableftright home arrowsemclockw arrowsemanticlockw carriagerreturn arrowrightdown arrowdownright arrowdownleft arrowupright arrowupleft arrowzigzag arrowlongbothnot arrowwaveboth arrowloopright arrowloopleft arrowhookright arrowhookleft arrowbothvbase arrowbardown arrowbarright arrowbarup arrowbarleft arrowtailright arrowtailleft dblarrowheaddown dblarrowheadright dblarrowheadup dblarrowheadleft arrowwaveright arrowwaveleft arrowrightnot arrowleftnot arrowsouthwest arrowsoutheast arrownortheast arrownorthwest arrowlongbothv arrowlongboth arrowdown arrowright arrowup arrowleft 21ee 2190 onenumerator seveneighths fiveeighths threeeighths oneeighth fivesixths onesixth fourfifths threefifths twofifths onefifth twothird onethird 215F 2153 dalethmath gimelmath bethmath alephmath u0scrip Mscript Fturn Fscript Escript escript estimated Cblackletter Bscript angstrom degreekelvin iotaturn Zblackletter mho ohm ounce Zbb versicle trademark tel servicemark response Rx Rbb Rfractur Rscript Qbb Pbb weierstrass recordright numero Nbb lbbar lscript Lscript Ifraktur Iscript planckover2pi planck Hbb Hblackletter Hscript gscript degreefarenheit scruple Euler cadauna careof CL degreecentigrade Cbb addresssubject accountof 2138 2100 newsheqel won rupee pesetas naira mill lira franc cruzeiro coloncurrency eurocurrency 20aa 20a0 parenrightinferior parenleftinferior equalinferior hypheninferior plusinferior nineinferior eightinferior seveninferior sixinferior fiveinferior fourinferior threeinferior twoinferior oneinferior zeroinferior nsuperior parenrightsuperior parenleftsuperior equalsuperior minussuperior plussuperior ninesuperior eightsuperior sevensuperior sixsuperior fivesuperior foursuperior 208E 2074 zerosuperior 2070 2070 second inch foot minute fraction hyphenbullet asterism caretinsert tie hyphendbl overscore interrobang exclamdbl refmark guilsinglright guilsinglleft caret primetriplerev primedblrev primerev primetriple primedbl prime pertenthousand perthousand 2048 2030 rlo lro pdf rle lre paragraphseparator lineseparator hyphendot ellipsis twodotlead onedotlead trianglebullet bullet daggerdbl dagger quotedblrev quotedblbase quotedblright quotedblleft quotesinglrev quotesinglbase quoteright quoteleft underscoredbl dashdbl quotedash emdash endash figuredash hyphennobreak hyphen righttoleft lefttoright zerojoin zeronojoin zerospace hairspace thinspace punctuationspace figurespace sixperemspace fourperemspace threeperemspace emspace enspace emquad enquad 202E 2000 ygrave Ygrave 1EF3 1EF2 wdieresis Wdieresis wacute Wacute wgrave Wgrave 1E85 1E80 varika gershayim geresh yoddbl vavyod vavdbl 05F5 05F0 tav shin resh qof tsadi tsadifinal pe pefinal ayin samekh nun nunfinal mem memfinal lamed kaf kaffinal yod tet het zayin vav he dalet gimel bet alef 05EA 05D0 sofpasuq sindot shindot paseq rafe maqaf meteg dagesh qibuts holamleft holam qamats patah segol tsere hiriq hatafqamats hatafpatah hatafsegol sheva 05C3 05B0 cheleftdes Cheleftdes 04cc 04cb enhook Enhook 04c8 04c7 kahook Kahook zhebreve Zhebreve Icyril1 iehookogonek Iehookogonek iehook Iehook hcyril Hcyril chevertbar Chevertbar chertdes Chertdes tetse TeTse khartdes Khartdes ustrtbar Ustrtbar ustrt Ustrt tertdes Tertdes escedilla Escedilla ohook Ohook pehook Pehook enge EnGe enrtdes Enrtdes gekarev GeKarev kabar Kabar kavertbar Kavertbar kartdes Kartdes zecedilla Zecedilla zhertdes Zhertdes gehook Gehook gebar Gebar geupturn Geupturn 04c4 0490 ot OT omegatitlo Omegatitlo omegaround Omegaround digraphuk Digraphuk izhitsagravedbl Izhitsagravedbl izhitsa Izhitsa fita Fita psicyril Psicyril 47F 470 yusbig Yusbig 046b 046a yat Yat 0463 0462 dzhe ucyrilbreve 045f 045e kje tshe nje lje je yi icyril dze ecyril gje dje io 045c 0451 ia iu ecyrilrev soft yeri hard shcha sha che tse kha ef ucyril te es er pecyril ocyril en em el ka iibreve ii ze zhe ie de ge ve be acyril Ia Iu Ecyrilrev Soft Yeri Hard Shcha Sha Che Tse Kha Ef Ucyril Te Es Er Pecyril Ocyril En Em El Ka Iibreve Ii Ze Zhe Ie De Ge Ve Be Acyril Dzhe Ucyrilbreve 044f 040e Kje Tshe Nje Lje Je Yi Icyril Dze Ecyril Gje Dje Io 040c 0401 sigmalunate kappascript dei Dei shima Shima gangia Gangia hori Hori khei Khei fei Fei shei Shei sampi Sampi koppa Koppa digamma Digamma stigma Stigma numeralgreeksub numeralgreek questiongreek omegapi phiscript Upsilonhookdiaeresis Upsilonhooktonos Upsilonhook thetascript betacurled 03F1 03D0 omegatonos upsilontonos omicrontonos upsilondiaeresis iotadiaeresis omega psi chi phi upsilon tau sigma sigmafinal rho pi omicron xi nu mu lambda kappa iota theta eta zeta epsilon delta gamma beta alpha upsilondiaeresistonos iotatonos etatonos epsilontonos alphatonos Upsilondiaeresis Iotadiaeresis Omega Psi Chi Phi Upsilon Tau Sigma 03CE 03A3 Rho Pi Omicron Xi Nu Mu Lambda Kappa Iota Theta Eta Zeta Epsilon Delta Gamma Beta Alpha iotadiaeresistonos Omegatonos Upsilontonos 03A1 038E Omicrontonos 038C 038C Iotatonos Etatonos Epsilontonos anoteleia Alphatonos diaeresistonos tonos 038A 0384 iotasub 037A 037A iotasubnosp diaeresistonosnosp zigzagoverscorenosp wavyoverscorenosp acuterightnosp graveleftnosp overscoredblnosp tildevertsupnosp xsupnosp seagullsubnosp squaresubnosp bridgeinvsubnosp ringrighthalfsubnosp slashlongnosp slashshortnosp barmidlongnosp barmidshortnosp tildemidnosp underscoredblnosp underscorenosp macronsubnosp tildesubnosp breveinvsubnosp brevesubnosp circumflexsubnosp haceksubnosp archdblsubnosp bridgesubnosp linevertsubnosp ogoneknosp cedillanosp commasubnosp ringsubnosp dotdblsubnosp dotsubnosp hooksubretronosp hooksubpalatnosp minussubnosp plussubnosp tackdownsubnosp tackupsubnosp ringlefthalfsubnosp hornnosp anglesupnosp tackrightsubnosp tackleftsubnosp acutesubnosp gravesubnosp commasuprightnosp commasuprevnosp apostrophesupnosp commaturnsupnosp breveinvnosp candrabindunosp gravedblnosp linevertdblnosp linevertnosp haceknosp acutedblnosp ringnosp hooksupnosp dieresisnosp dotnosp brevenosp overscorenosp macronnosp tildenosp circumflexnosp acutenosp gravenosp 0345 0300 toneextralow tonelow tonemid tonehigh toneextrahigh glottalrevsuper xsuper ssuper lsuper gammasuper 02E9 02E0 rhotichook hungarumlaut tilde ogonek ring dotaccent breve minusmod plusmod tackdownmid tackupmid ringlefthalfsup ringrighthalfcenter halflength length acutesub gravesub macronsub linevertsub gravemodifier acutemodifier macronmodifier linevert caron circumflex lowered raised backed fronted glottalrev glottal ringlefthalfsuper ringrighthalfsuper apostropherev apostrophe quoteleftmod primedblmod primemod ysuper wsuper Rturnsuper rturnrthooksuper rturnsuper rsuper jsuper hhooksuper hsuper 02DE 02B0 tccurl tesh ts dzcurl dyogh dz glottalstopbarrev glottalstopbar qhook Lsmallcap kturn jcrosstail Hsmallcap Gsmallcaphook epsilonclosed Bsmallcap kiss cstretch glottalstopinv glottalstoprevinv glottalstop yoghcurl yogh zcurl zrthook Ysmallcap yturn wturn vturn vscript upsilonlatin ubar trthook tturn eshcurl eshshortrev jhookdblbar esh srthook Rsmallcapinv Rsmallcap rfishhookrev rfishhook rrthook rdescend rturnrthook rturnascend rturn philatin omegaclosed OEsmallcap obar Nsmallcap nrthook nlftlfthook mhook mturndescend mturn lyogh lrthook lbelt lmidtilde Ismallcap iotalatin ibar henghook hhook hturn babygamma gammalatin Gsmallcap gcursive ghook jdotlessbar epsilonlatinrevclosed epsilonlatinrevhook epsilonlatinrev epsilonlatin schwahook schwa erev dhook drthook ccurl cturn bhook ascriptturn ascript aturn 02A8 0250 oslashacute Oslashacute aeacute AEacute aringacute Aringacute 01FF 01FA jhacek yoghhacek Yoghhacek oogonekmacron Oogonekmacron oogonek Oogonek khacek Khacek ghacek Ghacek gbar Gbar aemacron AEmacron adotmacron Adotmacron adieresismacron Adieresismacron eturn udieresisgrave Udieresisgrave udieresishacek Udieresishacek udieresisacute Udieresisacute udieresismacron Udieresismacron uhacek Uhacek ohacek Ohacek ihacek Ihacek ahacek Ahacek nj Nj NJ lj Lj LJ dzhacek Dzhacek DZhacek exclamlatin pipedblbar pipedbl pipe wynn glottalstopbarinv tonefive Tonefive twobar yoghtail yoghrev Yoghrev Yogh zbar Zbar yhook Yhook Vcursive Upsilonlatin uhorn Uhorn Trthook thook Thook tpalatalhook eshlooprev Esh tonetwo Tonetwo YR phook Phook oi OI ohorn Ohorn Obar nleg Nhook mcapturn lambdabar lbar khook Khook Ibar Iotalatin hv Gammalatin Ghook florin Fhook Epsilonlatin Schwa Eturn deltaturn dtopbar Dtopbar Dhook Dbar chook Chook Oopen tonesix Tonesix btopbar Btopbar Bhook bbar slong zcaron Zcaron zdot Zdot zacute Zacute Ydieresis ycircumflex Ycircumflex wcircumflex Wcircumflex uogonek Uogonek udblacute Udblacute uring Uring ubreve Ubreve umacron Umacron utilde Utilde tbar Tbar tcaron Tcaron tcedilla Tcedilla scaron Scaron scedilla Scedilla scircumflex Scircumflex sacute Sacute rcaron Rcaron rcedilla Rcedilla racute Racute oe OE odblacute Odblacute obreve Obreve omacron Omacron eng Eng napostrophe ncaron Ncaron ncedilla Ncedilla nacute Nacute lslash Lslash ldot Ldot lcaron Lcaron lcedilla Lcedilla lacute Lacute kra kcedilla Kcedilla jcircumflex Jcircumflex ij IJ dotlessi Idot iogonek Iogonek ibreve Ibreve imacron Imacron itilde Itilde hbar Hbar hcircumflex Hcircumflex gcedilla Gcedilla gdot Gdot gbreve Gbreve gcircumflex Gcircumflex ecaron Ecaron eogonek Eogonek edot Edot ebreve Ebreve emacron Emacron dmacron Dmacron dcaron Dcaron ccaron Ccaron cdot Cdot ccircumflex Ccircumflex cacute Cacute aogonek Aogonek abreve Abreve amacron Amacron ydieresis thorn yacute udieresis ucircumflex uacute ugrave oslash divide odieresis otilde ocircumflex oacute ograve ntilde eth idieresis icircumflex iacute igrave edieresis ecircumflex eacute egrave ccedilla ae aring adieresis atilde acircumflex aacute agrave germandbls Thorn Yacute Udieresis Ucircumflex Uacute Ugrave Oslash multiply Odieresis Otilde Ocircumflex Oacute Ograve Ntilde Eth Idieresis Icircumflex Iacute Igrave Edieresis Ecircumflex Eacute Egrave Ccedilla AE Aring Adieresis Atilde Acircumflex Aacute Agrave questiondown threequarters onehalf onequarter guillemotright ordmasculine onesuperior cedilla periodcentered paragraph micro acute threesuperior twosuperior plusminus degree macron registered sfthyphen logicalnot guillemotleft ordfeminine copyright dieresis section brokenbar yen currency sterling cent exclamdown nbspace 01F0 00A0 c158 c157 009e 009d c144 c143 c142 c141 0090 008d c129 c128 0081 0080 asciitilde braceright bar braceleft z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a grave underscore asciicircum bracketright backslash bracketleft Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A at question greater equal less semicolon colon nine eight seven six five four three two one zero slash period hyphenminus comma plus asterisk parenright parenleft quotesingle ampersand percent dollar numbersign quotedbl exclam space 007E 0020